1.NETTLE (VERB): incite
Equivalents: irritate, abrade
Antonyms: pacify, alleviate
Model Sentence: What happened was the consequence of Shashi's displeasure so now quit vexing her.
2. Creek (VERB): persevere
Equivalent words: face, endure
Antonyms: evade, avoid
Model Sentence: I can't creek you any longer at this point.
3. Conspicuous (ADJECTIVE): pompous
Equivalents: ostentatious, buoyant
Antonyms: plain, unobtrusive
Model Sentence: Their style of living is extremely pompous.
4. JEJUNE (ADJECTIVE): exhausting
Equivalents: dull, uninteresting
Antonyms: fascinating, energizing
Model Sentence: Vishnu is extremely jejune essentially.
5. Familiarize (VERB): acquaint
Equivalent words: notify, acclimate
Antonyms: trick, hide
Model Sentence: Shashi should familiarize herself with the documenting framework.
6. Assert (VERB): guarantee
Equivalent words: state, pronounce
Antonyms: deny, disavow
Model Sentence: Shipra asserted that she had never observed the young lady.
7. Repudiate (VERB): negate
Equivalent words: oppose, invalidate
Antonyms: embrace, endorse
Model Sentence: Why do you generally repudiate with me?
8. Scholarly (ADJECTIVE): accomplished
Equivalent words: proficient, educated
Antonyms: uninformed, uneducated
Model Sentence: Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar was a scholarly individual.
9. Rebuke (VERB): reprove
Equivalent words: reproach, censure
Antonyms: acclaim, cheer
Model Sentence: She was rebuked for arriving behind schedule to the gathering.
10. Possibility (NOUN): crisis
Equivalent words: exigency, likelihood
Antonyms: unlikelihood, advantage
Model Sentence: I have to accommodate every conceivable possibility.