Equivalent words and Antonyms
(1) Glimmer (Verb) — जगमगाना
Definition: To radiate a stifled precarious reflection
Equivalent words: Ace, Bit, Crumb, Dab, Dram
Antonyms: Abundance, Barrel, Boatload
Utilization: The conviction of two men offers a hint of something to look forward to different survivors of the counter Sikh
(2) Pogrom (Noun) – सामूहिक हत्या
Definition: A composed slaughter of a specific ethnic gathering
Equivalent words: Massacre, Slaughter
Use: The conviction of two men offers a hint of something to look forward to different survivors of the counter Sikh
(3) Resurrected (Verb) – पुनर्जीवित करना
Definition: Revive or renew (something that is dormant, neglected, or overlooked).
Equivalent words: Revive, Restore, Regenerate, Revitalize
Antonyms: Death, Expiration, Extinction
Use: A crowd assault on businesspeople in Mahipalpur, was restored in the wake of being shut as
(4) Discrepancy (Noun) — असहमति
Definition: An outlandish or astonishing absence of similarity or likeness between at least two
Equivalent words: Inconsistency, Difference, Disparity
Antonyms: Similarity, Correspondence
Use: The preliminary court has appropriately neglected minor inconsistencies in proof and
specialized issues with the new examination being taken up, and finished up
(5) Cogent (Adjective) – प्रभावशाली
Meaning: (of a contention or case) clear, consistent, and persuading.
Equivalents: Convincing, Compelling, Strong
Antonyms: Vague, Unconvincing, Muddled
Utilization: It was fitting and dependable
(6) Henchman (Noun) — अनुगामी
Definition: A reliable adherent or political supporter, particularly one arranged to participate in wrongdoing or brutality by method of administration.
Equivalents: Follower, Supporter, Assistant, Aide, Helper, Adjutant
Antonyms: Leader
Utilization: Investigators and examiners only sometimes prevail with regards to nailing political pioneers and their key associates.
(7) Shoddy (Adjective) — घटिया
Definition: Badly made or done.
Equivalent words: Poor-quality, Inferior, Second-rate
Antonyms: Well made, Careful
Utilization: The moderate legal procedure was made much additionally agonizing by controlled examination and poor indictment.
(8) Efflux (Noun) – बहिर्वाह
Definition: The streaming out of a substance or molecule.
Equivalents: Discharge, Effluence, Emanation
Antonyms: Influx, Inflow, Stand Still, Ebb
Utilization: The most recent decision shows that the efflux of years need not be a hindrance
to the venture of making sure about equity.
(9) Clerics (Noun) — धार्मिक नेता
Definition: A minister or strict pioneer, particularly a Christian or Muslim one.
Equivalents: Chaplain, Clergyman, Minister, Priest.
Utilization: The ministers had accumulated to check the birth commemoration of Prophet Mohammed
(10) Sacrilege (Noun) - अपवित्रीकरण
Definition: Violation or abuse of what is viewed as holy.
Equivalent words: Desecration, Profanity, Profaneness
Antonyms: Piety, Respectfulness
Utilization: Putting clerical garments to mainstream utilize was viewed as heresy
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