Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonmys = equilent words
(1) Claimant (Noun) - उम्मेदवार
Definition: An individual creation a case, particularly in a claim or for a state advantage.
Equivalent words: Applicant, Candidate, Supplicant
Utilization: In dissolving the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly without allowing any inquirer a chance to shape the administration, Governor as abused protected law and show.
(2) Extraneous (Adjective) - असंगत
Definition: Irrelevant or random to the subject being managed.
Equivalent words: Irrelevant, Immaterial
Antonyms: Intrinsic
Use: A legislature framed by parties with "contradicting political belief systems" would not be steady — are superfluous.
(3) Deprecate (Verb) – निन्दा करना
Definition: Express objection to.
Equivalent words: Disapprove of, Deplore, Abhor, Find unsuitable
Antonyms: Praise
Use: The Governor should have realized that the Supreme Court has belittled such a line of thinking.
(4) Mala fide (Adjective) - दुर्भावपूर्ण
Definition: In dishonesty; With expectation to delude.
Equivalent words: Ambidextrous, Backhanded, Deceitful, Deceptive
Use: Bihar Governor Buta Singh's proposal for dissolving the Assembly the earlier year was held to be illicit and mala fide.
(5) Requisite (Adjective) — अपेक्षित
Definition: Made essential by specific conditions or guidelines.
Equivalent words: Necessary, Required, Prerequisite
Antonyms: Optional, Unnecessary
Use: In Bihar, the Assembly was then in suspended activity as no gathering or mix had the
essential greater part.
(5) Enfeeble (action word) — दुर्बल करना
Definition: Make powerless or weak.
Equivalents: Weaken, Make frail, Make weak
Antonyms: Strengthen
Utilization: Trade associations are in an enfeebled state.
(6) Guile (Noun) — धूर्तता
Definition: Sly or clever insight.
Equivalents: Cunning, Craftiness, Craft, Artfulness
Antonyms: Honesty, Candor
Utilization: Some fine batsmen, a lot of sharp quick bowlers and spinners with cunning.
(7) Incisive (Adjective) — प्रभावशाली
Meaning: (of an individual or mental procedure) insightfully diagnostic and consistent discernment.
Equivalents: Penetrating, Acute, Sharp
Antonyms: Rambling, Vague
Utilization: She was a sharp pundit.
(8) Debilitate (Verb) — शक्तिहीन करना
Definition: Make (somebody) powerless and decrepit.
Equivalents: Weakening, Enfeebling, Enervating
Antonyms: Restorative
Utilization: He was seriously crippled by a stomach upset.
(9) Sober (Adjective) — जो नशे में न हो
Definition: genuine, reasonable, and serious.
Equivalent words: Serious, Sensible, Solemn
Antonyms: Light-hearted, Frivolous, Sensational, Emotional
Use: A calm perspective on life.
(10) Tumult (Noun) — हंगामा
Definition: A mess or confusion.
Equivalent words: Turmoil, Confusion, Disorder, Disarray
Antonyms: Peace, Tranquility
Use: The entire neighborhood was in a condition of dread and tumult.
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