Wednesday, 26 August 2020


1.NETTLE (VERB): incite 

Equivalents: irritate, abrade 

Antonyms: pacify, alleviate 

Model Sentence: What happened was the consequence of Shashi's displeasure so now quit vexing her. 

2. Creek (VERB): persevere 

Equivalent words: face, endure 

Antonyms: evade, avoid 

Model Sentence: I can't creek you any longer at this point. 

3. Conspicuous (ADJECTIVE): pompous 

Equivalents: ostentatious, buoyant 

Antonyms: plain, unobtrusive 

Model Sentence: Their style of living is extremely pompous. 

4. JEJUNE (ADJECTIVE): exhausting 

Equivalents: dull, uninteresting 

Antonyms: fascinating, energizing 

Model Sentence: Vishnu is extremely jejune essentially. 

5. Familiarize (VERB): acquaint 

Equivalent words: notify, acclimate 

Antonyms: trick, hide 

Model Sentence: Shashi should familiarize herself with the documenting framework. 

6. Assert (VERB): guarantee 

Equivalent words: state, pronounce 

Antonyms: deny, disavow 

Model Sentence: Shipra asserted that she had never observed the young lady. 

7. Repudiate (VERB): negate 

Equivalent words: oppose, invalidate 

Antonyms: embrace, endorse 

Model Sentence: Why do you generally repudiate with me? 

8. Scholarly (ADJECTIVE): accomplished 

Equivalent words: proficient, educated 

Antonyms: uninformed, uneducated 

Model Sentence: Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar was a scholarly individual. 

9. Rebuke (VERB): reprove 

Equivalent words: reproach, censure 

Antonyms: acclaim, cheer 

Model Sentence: She was rebuked for arriving behind schedule to the gathering. 

10. Possibility (NOUN): crisis 

Equivalent words: exigency, likelihood 

Antonyms: unlikelihood, advantage 

Model Sentence: I have to accommodate every conceivable possibility.

Monday, 24 August 2020


Disunity (thing) – animosity, restriction, quarreling (मतभेद) 

Break with (phrasal action word) – act against procedural/conventional way (नहीं मानना) 

Wrap up (phrasal action word) – close, finish, total (पूरा करना) 

Dispatch (thing) – official correspondence, public statement, release (सरकारी सूचना) 

Crack (action word) – split, independent, break (भंग करना) 

Erosion (thing) – strife, debate, contention (टकराव) 

Come from (action word) – emerge from, get from (उत्पन्न होना) 

Certain (descriptive word) – inferred, circuitous, indicated (विश्वास योग्य) 

A level playing field (state) – a circumstance where everybody has a reasonable and equivalent possibility of succeeding 

Pushback (thing) – a negative response (पीछे धकेलना) 

Call upon (phrasal action word) – request, require, ask officially (बुलाना) 

Shun (action word) – intentionally abstain from utilizing; go without. (त्याग करना) 

Obligation trap (thing) – a circumstance where an obligation is troublesome or difficult to reimburse (ऋण जाल) 

Whole (thing) – a gathering (परिपूर्ण) 

Not beat around the bush (expression) – consider a spade a spade (मुँह पर कहना) 

Promote (action word) – publicize/advertise, underwrite/ask (दलाली करना) 

Scene (thing) – the particular highlights of a field of action (प्राकृतिक दृश्य) 

Prevalence (thing) – incomparability, power, authority (प्रबलता) 

Titan (thing) – a critical (असाधारण व्यक्ति) 

Forecast (action word) – prognosticate, foretell, foreshadow (पूर्वाभास या पूर्वसूचना देना) 

Informational (descriptive word) – useful, uncovering, telling (उपदेशपूर्ण) 

Hitherto (express) – beforehand, past, as of now (अभी तक) 

Wrench up (action word) – to build something by a progression of limited quantities 

Fight back (action word) – hit back, counterattack, render retribution (प्रतिकार करना) 

Figure (thing) – expectation, sign, projection (भविष्यवाणी) 

Psychologist (action word) – decrease, diminish (सहम कर पीछे हट जाना) 

Search out (phrasal action word) – find, recognize, find (पाना) 

Multilateral (descriptor) – including a wide range of nations or gatherings (बहुपक्षीय) 

Correctional (descriptor) – causing or expected as discipline. (दण्डात्मक) 

Authorizations (thing) – a compromised punishment for defying a law or rule. (प्रतिबंध) 

War of whittling down (thing) – a delayed time of contention during which each side looks to bit by bit wear out the other by a progression of little scope activities. 

Sea (descriptive word) – of or identified with the ocean (समुद्रीय) 

Balance (action word) – balance, be suspended, hang (संतुलित रखना) 

Vortex (thing) – a spinning mass of liquid or air, particularly a whirlpool or tornado. (चक्कर) 

Anticipated (descriptive word) – up and coming, approaching, approaching (आगमनशील) 

Pull back (phrasal action word) – pull back, retreat, separate (रोक लेना) 

Verge (thing) – the extraordinary edge of land before a precarious slant or a body or water. (कगार) 

Give and take (state) – bargain, concession (आपसी समझबूझ रखना) 

The warmth (thing) – superfluous weight/analysis (समालोचना) 

Quiet (action word) – control, mollify (आवाज मंद करना) 

Synopsis (descriptive word) – prompt, moment/momentary, on-the-spot (जल्दबाज़ी का) 

Accelerate (descriptive word) – unexpected, rushed, hurried (अप्रत्याशित) 

Have one's direction (expression) – to do what one wishes for 

Go down well (state) – to be very much acknowledged 

Address (action word) – take care of, tackle, manage (निशाना लेना) 

Convey the day (expression) – win, gain, be fruitful (जीत प्राप्त करना) 

Liquidity (thing) – a proportion of action (तरलता) 

Tap (action word) – draw on, misuse, utilize (बाहर निकलना) 

Stores (thing) – reserves (अतिरिक्त खिलाड़ी) 

Fight off (action word) – turn away, forestall, stay away from (स्थगित करना) 

Predisposition (thing) – preference, inclination (झुकाव) 

Accounting report (thing) – an announcement of the advantages, liabilities (पक्का-चिट्ठा) 

Yield (action word) – surrender, adjust to, consent to (समर्पण करना) 

Credit stream (thing) – accessibility of credit 

Push back (phrasal action word) – defer, slow down, delay 

Hands-on (state) – down to earth, genuine/real, exploratory (व्यावहारिक व क्रियाशील)

Sunday, 23 August 2020



Keep going lap: On Joe Biden 

Biden and Harris need to show they can lift the U.S. out of the infection incited emergency 

Previous U.S. Bad habit President Joe Biden hosts become the Democratic Gathering's legitimate nominee for the 2020 presidential political decision following a breathtaking four-day spectacle at the Democratic National Convention. Close by his running mate Kamala Harris, he will look to remove officeholder Donald Trump from the White House. On the off chance that he does as such, a variety of therapeutic arrangement activities will be required from a beginning phase to lift the U.S. up from the financial decimation brought about by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, he should direly take care of a progression of discussions and misfortunes, some with worldwide repercussions, that the Trump organization has gotten enmeshed in. Does Mr. Biden have the political heave, individual allure, and gathering order to do as such? The gathering replied with a resonating 'yes' to each of the three inquiries at the Convention, which highlighted expressive addresses by previous Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and First Ladies Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton, just as gathering heavyweights including Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, and Elizabeth Warren. While a couple of more youthful Democratic pioneers were included as well, the Convention left little uncertainty that the old gatekeeper was all the while managing everything, regardless of whether it was trying to charm the up and coming age of voters inside the system of a changed political reality. 

At the core of that reality stands Mr. Trump, wobbling as he scores lower than Mr. Biden in the assessments of public sentiment, for the most part for his blundering reaction to the pandemic, yet tenaciously tossing punches on mail-in casting a ballot and speaking to the 'quiet dominant part' that Mr. Biden, whenever chose, would "climb charges on Americans by $4 trillion, destroy the Second Amendment, grow haven urban areas, and end petroleum derivatives". To adequately counter these contentions, and keep away from another failure of the sort that Ms. Clinton looked in 2016, Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris need show just a single thing — that they can spare the U.S. economy and fix the nation's remaining with the remainder of the world, particularly by recovering a significant job in the multilateral administration of worldwide general wellbeing, environmental change and exchange. Regardless of whether the Democrats, lounging in the self-salutary glimmer of the Convention and reaffirming their responsibility to liberal qualities, play their hand cautiously through this endgame situation, or whether the Trump vision of an internal looking U.S. still conveys the day, is not yet clear. What is clear is that the discretionary result will be both a submission communicating how much a comprehensively comprehensive worldview of the American Dream despite everything resounds with the individuals, and a sign of the level of transparency that it will endure toward the people groups of different countries. Mr. Biden should carry his A-game to this last lap. 


1.Glitzy (Adj)- unbelievable or amazing in appearance. 

2.Running Mate (N)- somebody who is attempting to get chose for the second of

Saturday, 22 August 2020


Equivalent words and Antonyms 

(1) Glimmer (Verb) — जगमगाना 

Definition: To radiate a stifled precarious reflection 

Equivalent words: Ace, Bit, Crumb, Dab, Dram 

Antonyms: Abundance, Barrel, Boatload 

Utilization: The conviction of two men offers a hint of something to look forward to different survivors of the counter Sikh 


(2) Pogrom (Noun) – सामूहिक हत्या 

Definition: A composed slaughter of a specific ethnic gathering 

Equivalent words: Massacre, Slaughter 

Use: The conviction of two men offers a hint of something to look forward to different survivors of the counter Sikh 


(3) Resurrected (Verb) – पुनर्जीवित करना 

Definition: Revive or renew (something that is dormant, neglected, or overlooked). 

Equivalent words: Revive, Restore, Regenerate, Revitalize 

Antonyms: Death, Expiration, Extinction 

Use: A crowd assault on businesspeople in Mahipalpur, was restored in the wake of being shut as 


(4) Discrepancy (Noun) — असहमति 

Definition: An outlandish or astonishing absence of similarity or likeness between at least two 


Equivalent words: Inconsistency, Difference, Disparity 

Antonyms: Similarity, Correspondence 

Use: The preliminary court has appropriately neglected minor inconsistencies in proof and 

specialized issues with the new examination being taken up, and finished up 

(5) Cogent (Adjective) – प्रभावशाली 

Meaning: (of a contention or case) clear, consistent, and persuading. 

Equivalents: Convincing, Compelling, Strong 

Antonyms: Vague, Unconvincing, Muddled 

Utilization: It was fitting and dependable 

(6) Henchman (Noun) — अनुगामी 

Definition: A reliable adherent or political supporter, particularly one arranged to participate in wrongdoing or brutality by method of administration. 

Equivalents: Follower, Supporter, Assistant, Aide, Helper, Adjutant 

Antonyms: Leader 

Utilization: Investigators and examiners only sometimes prevail with regards to nailing political pioneers and their key associates. 

(7) Shoddy (Adjective) — घटिया 

Definition: Badly made or done. 

Equivalent words: Poor-quality, Inferior, Second-rate 

Antonyms: Well made, Careful 

Utilization: The moderate legal procedure was made much additionally agonizing by controlled examination and poor indictment. 

(8) Efflux (Noun) – बहिर्वाह 

Definition: The streaming out of a substance or molecule. 

Equivalents: Discharge, Effluence, Emanation 

Antonyms: Influx, Inflow, Stand Still, Ebb 

Utilization: The most recent decision shows that the efflux of years need not be a hindrance 

to the venture of making sure about equity. 

(9) Clerics (Noun) — धार्मिक नेता 

Definition: A minister or strict pioneer, particularly a Christian or Muslim one. 

Equivalents: Chaplain, Clergyman, Minister, Priest. 

Utilization: The ministers had accumulated to check the birth commemoration of Prophet Mohammed 

(10) Sacrilege (Noun) - अपवित्रीकरण 

Definition: Violation or abuse of what is viewed as holy. 

Equivalent words: Desecration, Profanity, Profaneness 

Antonyms: Piety, Respectfulness 

Utilization: Putting clerical garments to mainstream utilize was viewed as heresy


Synonyms and Antonyms 
Synonmys = equilent words
(1) Claimant (Noun) - उम्मेदवार 

Definition: An individual creation a case, particularly in a claim or for a state advantage. 

Equivalent words: Applicant, Candidate, Supplicant 

Utilization: In dissolving the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly without allowing any inquirer a chance to shape the administration, Governor as abused protected law and show. 

(2) Extraneous (Adjective) - असंगत 

Definition: Irrelevant or random to the subject being managed. 

Equivalent words: Irrelevant, Immaterial 

Antonyms: Intrinsic 

Use: A legislature framed by parties with "contradicting political belief systems" would not be steady — are superfluous. 

(3) Deprecate (Verb) – निन्दा करना 

Definition: Express objection to. 

Equivalent words: Disapprove of, Deplore, Abhor, Find unsuitable 

Antonyms: Praise 

Use: The Governor should have realized that the Supreme Court has belittled such a line of thinking. 

(4) Mala fide (Adjective) - दुर्भावपूर्ण 

Definition: In dishonesty; With expectation to delude. 

Equivalent words: Ambidextrous, Backhanded, Deceitful, Deceptive 

Use: Bihar Governor Buta Singh's proposal for dissolving the Assembly the earlier year was held to be illicit and mala fide. 

(5) Requisite (Adjective) — अपेक्षित 

Definition: Made essential by specific conditions or guidelines. 

Equivalent words: Necessary, Required, Prerequisite 

Antonyms: Optional, Unnecessary 

Use: In Bihar, the Assembly was then in suspended activity as no gathering or mix had the 

essential greater part. 

(5) Enfeeble (action word) — दुर्बल करना 

Definition: Make powerless or weak. 

Equivalents: Weaken, Make frail, Make weak 

Antonyms: Strengthen 

Utilization: Trade associations are in an enfeebled state. 

(6) Guile (Noun) — धूर्तता 

Definition: Sly or clever insight. 

Equivalents: Cunning, Craftiness, Craft, Artfulness 

Antonyms: Honesty, Candor 

Utilization: Some fine batsmen, a lot of sharp quick bowlers and spinners with cunning. 

(7) Incisive (Adjective) — प्रभावशाली 

Meaning: (of an individual or mental procedure) insightfully diagnostic and consistent discernment. 

Equivalents: Penetrating, Acute, Sharp 

Antonyms: Rambling, Vague 

Utilization: She was a sharp pundit. 

(8) Debilitate (Verb) — शक्तिहीन करना 

Definition: Make (somebody) powerless and decrepit. 

Equivalents: Weakening, Enfeebling, Enervating 

Antonyms: Restorative 

Utilization: He was seriously crippled by a stomach upset. 

(9) Sober (Adjective) — जो नशे में न हो 

Definition: genuine, reasonable, and serious. 

Equivalent words: Serious, Sensible, Solemn 

Antonyms: Light-hearted, Frivolous, Sensational, Emotional 

Use: A calm perspective on life. 

(10) Tumult (Noun) — हंगामा 

Definition: A mess or confusion. 

Equivalent words: Turmoil, Confusion, Disorder, Disarray 

Antonyms: Peace, Tranquility 

Use: The entire neighborhood was in a condition of dread and tumult.

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